Genesis 1: In the Beginning, Divine Creation Unfolds

A Haiku, Artwork, and Devotional Journey into the First Chapter of Genesis

In the void, light born,
Life teems, stars, earth adorn,
God's creation, dawn.

Genesis 1

Take a moment to read Genesis 1 if you can, then read the Haiku and explore the artistic rendition of it. How does it make you feel?

Reflect on how the first act of creation in Genesis is the separation of light from darkness. Consider the symbolism of light representing spiritual illumination, clarity, and divine guidance in your own life.

Contemplate the intricate harmony of God's creative process, as described in Genesis 1. Let the artwork visually transport you into the vastness of the cosmos, reminding you of the cosmic dance of creation happening both around and within you.

Explore the profound concept of God breathing life into existence. Ponder how this breath, this divine essence, flows through all living beings, connecting you to the eternal source of life and vitality.

"In the beginning, I embrace the divine light, witness the symphony of creation, and breathe in the sacred breath that animates my existence."

“For in him we live and move and have our being…” - Acts 17:28

This the day the Lord has made, go and enjoy. Feel free to share this with a loved one.