Genesis 2: Life’s River Flows By

A Haiku, Artwork, and Devotional Journey into the Second Chapter of Genesis

Creation’s end sigh,
In Eden, man’s home, God’s eye,
Life’s river flows by.

Genesis 2

Life’s River Flows By

Take a moment to read Genesis 2 if you can, then read the Haiku and explore the artistic rendition of it.

In Genesis 2, we witness the intimate moment when God forms man from the dust of the earth and breathes life into him. This divine act reminds us of our own sacred origin and purpose. Like a skilled artist, God crafts each of us with precision and care, infusing our very being with the essence of life. Let this truth inspire you to cherish your unique identity and recognize the inherent divinity within you.

Just as God tenderly breathed life into Adam, we too are part of the grand dance of creation. Each step we take, each breath we inhale, echoes the divine rhythm that sustains all living beings. Take a moment to embrace the interconnectedness of life around you - from the vast landscapes to the tiniest creatures. Allow the beauty of creation to fill your heart with gratitude and wonder.

Just as God's masterpiece, Adam, flourished in the Garden of Eden, we, too, have the potential to bloom and thrive in the garden of our lives. Embrace the artistry of your existence and strive to live in harmony with your surroundings. Just as an artist refines their work, seek growth and improvement in your journey of self-discovery and serving others. By aligning your actions with the Original design of creation through Christ, you can restore the identity that was broken but never fully lost.

"In the dance of life, I embrace my divine origin and bloom as God's masterpiece."

This is the day the Lord has made, go and enjoy. Feel free to share this with a loved one.