Looking Ahead to 2024 With Poetic Scripture Co

A brief look at 2023, and an overview of what PSC has in store for 2024.

Dear Poetic Scripture Co Readers,

As we begin a new year, I am filled with gratitude for our shared journey through Genesis and Exodus in 2023. Your insightful contributions have brought these ancient texts to life, blending Scripture with the beauty of poetry and art.

This year, our shared journey through the Scriptures has been a rich tapestry of discovery. Beginning with Genesis, we delved into the poetic depths of creation, the complexities of human beginnings, and the intricate narratives that set the stage for our spiritual lineage. Through each verse, our community brought to life the timeless stories with vibrant poetry and art, illuminating these ancient texts with contemporary relevance and personal resonance.

Then, as we transitioned into the powerful narrative of Exodus, our exploration deepened. We witnessed the struggle and liberation of the Israelites, each plague and passage providing fertile ground for artistic expression and theological contemplation. Your constant support and words of encouragement have been instrumental in moving this project forward.

The journey through these foundational books of Scripture has not just been about reading and interpretation; it has been a creative pilgrimage. We've seen how poetry and art can transform scriptural understanding, making ancient stories new and vibrantly alive. This has been especially evident in the way you, our readers, have engaged with the content, sharing your own creations and reflections.

Looking ahead to 2024, we eagerly anticipate continuing this journey, delving deeper into Scripture with fresh eyes and creative hearts. Expect more interactive features, guest contributions, and opportunities for your artistic engagement.

Your participation makes Poetic Scripture Co a unique and enriching experience. Thank you for being part of this creative journey. Here's to a new year filled with powerful encounters with God through Scripture!

Warm regards,

Fernando Ramirez

Founder, Poetic Scripture Co

P.S. Please do not hesitate to reply to this email; it goes directly to my inbox and I’m looking forward to any comments/reflections/questions you may have!